Summer Hill Public School

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Telephone02 9797 8160

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with the school community. We hold many events and activities throughout the year and a lot of effort goes in to make them fun, interesting and inclusive. We hope that you will come along to as many of these as you can. Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news.


We always need new volunteers to help us run these activities and ask that you consider volunteering for at least one event during the year. It's a great way to meet people and get to know the school, staff and students. Without volunteers we cannot run successful events which strengthen our school community and raise essential funds for the school and our children.


All of our event volunteering opportunities are available to view on Sign Up 





If you don't have capacity to volunteer, you can support the school in other ways. Donations are welcome. Below are some other ways to get involved. If you'd like to find out more, please email us at



Join the P&C

New members are always welcome, at any time. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month.


Executive Roles are elected in Term 4 of each year for the following year. These include President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary.


P&C Committees

Each year, specific committees are formed to address priority issues for the school and students. These committees run for 12 months, after which time they may be renewed subject to ongoing demand. You can find out more or join these committees at any time through the year.


Current committees include:


Sustainability: Contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of the school and educating the school community about sustainable living, with activities to encourage recycling and composting, waste free lunchboxes, riding or walking to school, saving energy and water and conserving native plants and animals.


Gardening: Contributes to upkeep of the school grounds with up to four gardening bees annually and upgrading school facilities such as play equipment, seating, groundcover and planting.


Music: Supports the Band and Orchestra program and provides logistical support for musical events, including weekend workshops, evening concert series and the Musicale. The Music Support Committee meets on the same evening as P&C meetings at 6.30pm.


Fundraising and Events: Seeks donations of prizes from the school community, local community and corporate businesses for use at various events throughout the year. The committee also works closely with the event coordinators to plan and run events and keep the P&C Warehouse organised and functioning ready for events as they come up.


Spring Fair: The Spring Fair (in November) is the major fundraising event for the year. It is a fantastic day out for the whole family with rides, performances, international food stalls, second hand toys, books and homewares, games, music, craft, gelato, a cafe and a bar. All stalls are run by parents at the school. The Spring Fair committee starts meeting early in the year so that when the big day arrives, everything runs smoothly. 


Gender and inclusion: Supports the school's efforts to actively include and provide opportunities to all students, including gender diverse students and those from rainbow families.


Other volunteering opportunities:


Class Parent

In Term 1, volunteer to become the class parent for your class. Class parents are an important part of our communication and engagement network as they distribute information to parents via email, organise parent volunteers for excursions, arrange class picnics and parent get togethers.


Used Uniform Shop
Usually held every Tuesday & Friday morning outside the P&C Warehouse. Volunteers are always welcome.


Want to get involved? Email us at


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