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Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness in Action 

8 Week Program 

The Life Skills Group program, Mindfulness in Action, recently commenced and the students and teachers could not be more excited! Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present to what is happening in the moment, without thinking about the past or imagining the future. Life Skills programs are aligned with the NSW teaching standards. Each week Life Skills teachers facilitate classes aligning lifelong values, fundamental movements, and positive psychology through various games, breathing exercises, guided stories and relaxation. Each stage is developmentally appropriate and carefully geared to each specific year level. We are happy to be working with you, your child and the school community to support, grow, inspire, and build happy, healthy children.







Intro to Mindfulness

Respect, Calm


Mindful Listening

Active Listener, Honest



Team Player, Helpful


Body Awareness

Caring, Reliable


Mindful Thoughts

Persevere, Determined, Focused


Mindful Self-talk

Caring, Confident


Mindful Emotions

Courage, Resilient


Mindful Gratitude

Grateful, Peaceful


Week 1 Intro to Mindfulness

This week in Mindfulness in Action, we connected our class plan to the value of respect. How do we show respect to ourselves? How do we show respect to others? How do we show respect to property? We also discussed what mindfulness is, how we can practice being mindful in our lives and how it can benefit us. With breath awareness, students began to notice their body, feelings, sensations and thoughts in a more focused way. Through discussion and activities, students learnt how to calm their minds and bodies to manage their own feelings of excitement anger or worry. What an important skill to have in today's busy world! Students discovered that mindfulness can create better concentration and focus in all areas of our lives, including the classroom, playground and sports field.

The students learned how to have a ‘mindful body,' which involves being present, calm and quiet. Ask your child to show or teach you the breathing or ‘mindful bodies' pose they have learnt in their Life Skills lessons. Encourage the use of these techniques when your son/daughter needs help relaxing or calming down. We know they will be very excited to share what they have learnt with you!


Week 2 Mindful listening

Listening is an important skill to develop in children and this week we focus on active listening and honesty. The students practiced listening mindfully by being really still and quiet while they listened to a soothing sound. Students became aware that by continually incorporating active listening, we become more ‘tuned in' and begin to hear conversations, sounds, feelings and thoughts in a clearer manner. We also become more aware of others as well.

In this lesson students also discussed honesty. They identified reasons why it is important to be honest and how it feels when people are dishonest. Students then practiced being honest independently whilst being an active participant of a game. It was wonderful seeing children recognise that honesty helps us to all enjoy the game!

Ask your child to show you their best active listening tonight at the dinner table or while sharing a story before bed. Your child might do their best to show you they are listening with their eyes and ears during your conversation.




Week 3 Excellence

The values we bring into our beautiful class plan this week are excellence and participation. Through participation students learn how to be an active learner, give things a go and share ideas and learn from others. Excellence occurs over time as we perform tasks consistently and well. Students participate in games that require them to help one another, understand each other's perspectives and ideas and share.

Students practiced a mindful breath and anchor point which is a mindfulness technique which trains the brain to have increased focused attention. This mindfulness tool is especially important when students need to reorient their attention or regulate the nervous system.

Children worked as a team to complete a non-competitive team game. They all had a chance to participate and focus on personal excellence. After the game we discussed what went well and why the game was so fun and well played. Students gave ideas such as, "we listened to each other, we encouraged each other, we followed the game rules." The students also explored the way in which not being competitive can be a great feeling.  It is amazing to see that students are tuning in to the positive advantages of working cooperatively as a team.

Ask your child to tell you about our team games and show you their favourite parts from class! Maybe you can do the mindful breath and anchor point together. Or perhaps you can ask your child to show you some of the poses they have learned in class. It would be great if you could have a go at some poses as well.  


Week 4 Body Awareness

Through partner work and inclusivity, we dive into learning the value of fairness. Students were able to use their bodies to perform movement challenges with partners. Our class worked together to increase strength, stamina and balance. Students learned first hand that sometimes one person is stronger in one area than another and that is what makes us all unique. It is wonderful to know that students are directly applying the values they have learned.

The students also developed further body awareness through mindfulness activities. They focused on parts of their body individually and tried to notice any sensations they could feel. They also identified reasons why it is important to listen to their bodies. Noticing sensations allows us the awareness to understand our emotions and feelings.

Ask your child to describe some of the movements they created with their body. You might like to do some with your child. You could also ask them to do a ‘mindful minute'' with you and practice noticing sensations in the body.


Week 5 Mindful Thoughts

Our "Mindfulness in Action" class plan teaches students about mindful thoughts. Sometimes it is difficult to focus and we find that our thoughts can worry us if they are drifting into the past or the future. Mindful thoughts and anchor words help us to focus and keep us in the present moment.

Students held their movements longer this week and were reminded that even if it feels challenging, determination will help us to develop perseverance. Of course, all students took on the challenge like rock stars and did not give up on themselves. In the end, the students saw their perseverance increase.

During the games students were asked how they could continue to persevere independently yet, as part of a team. The brilliant ideas they mentioned were to think positively and focus on the movements of the body.

Talk to your child about the importance of resilience and perseverance. Have a meaningful conversation about how mindfulness is helping your son/daughter. 


Week 6 Mindful Self Talk

In week 6 of ‘Mindfulness in Action,' we incorporate the values of confidence and caring. As parents and teachers, we may now be realizing that what is usually stopping our children and students from accomplishing something is not lack of knowledge, it is actually a lack of confidence. Through ‘Mindfulness in Action,' we are committed to supporting every single child feel confident and develop a healthy self- esteem.

Our students start off by practicing a positive self-talk exercise, which encourages students to use their breath and to speak kindly to themselves.  Students really began to understand that they are in control of their thoughts and could change them to make be more positive.

The movements this week gave students the ability to feel more confident, stronger and flexible. It is so fantastic to see how far all of the participants have come and there are still two more weeks to go!

This week ask your child how they have used their confidence to accomplish something or practice using your positive self-talk for example, I am honest, confident, kind, etc. 




Week 7 Mindful Emotions

This week in our ‘Mindfulness in Action' class plan we focused on resilience and developing even more courage in our daily lives. Children suggested that courage could look like sitting with someone new at lunch, inviting someone new over to play and doing something that is hard or challenging. These are all amazing ways to show courage! Our mindfulness technique allowed students to become more aware of the thoughts and emotions they are feeling and to identify their mood. Through our sequence of movements students continue to develop strength by holding the poses longer and really focusing in silence. They did a great job!

Students put courage into action by making new and challenging movements with their bodies for longer periods of time, trying new games, and working in pairs with someone they may have never worked with before. 

Ask your child to tell you something they had the courage to do this week, that they didn't think they could do or have your child show you a pose that was difficult to do in the beginning of the program but easy now. 





Mindfulness in Action 

Tools for Transition - 8 Week Program for Stage 3 Students

The Life Skills Group program, Tools for Transition has commenced, and the students and teachers are excited. The program is a ‘kid centric' curriculum based Health and Physical Education and Social and Emotional Learning program that aligns with the NSW Teaching Standards. Each week Life Skills teachers facilitate classes aligning lifelong values, fundamental movements, and positive psychology through various games, breathing exercises, guided stories and relaxation. We are happy to be working with you, your child and the school community to support, grow, inspire, and build happy and healthy children and families.


We would love you to follow us each week on the school website and practice the activities with your child. We've also included one or two ways to introduce your family to self-care. We can assure you it will be fun and a great way to spend a few minutes extra with your child and family.



Main Value

Extra values



Self Regulation


Calm/ Responsibility

I am Respectful





I am Honest



Team Player

Participation/ Cooperation

I am a Team Player


Managing Big Emotions



I am Caring


Positive Self Talk



I am Resilient


Self Belief



I am Confident


Taking Healthy Risks



I am Courageous





I am Helpful





I am Kind

Final Lesson




I am Grateful



Week 1 Communication, respect and honesty

In the Tools for Transition program students were introduced to mindfulness – a practice that trains the brain to slow down and process sensory data. One of the best ways to practise mindful awareness is through deep belly breathing, or moments of awareness in ‘mindful bodies,' as they are called in the Life Skills Group program. Focusing on the breath helps calm the body by slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and sharpening focus. When children pay attention to their breath, they are also supporting the strong functioning that takes place in the frontal lobes or prefrontal cortex.


Controlled breathing also calms the body and mind and decreases the anxiety that sends our amygdala into fight, flight, or freeze mode. This practice primes the brain to be more reflective and less reactive. Over time, this strengthens neural pathways and connections and mindful awareness moves from being a state to a long-term trait.

The students had the opportunity to share their thoughts on why mindfulness is beneficial for our minds and bodies. They recognised it as, "relaxing, calming and helpful if you're stressed or worried". They learnt a new breath technique and Year 5/6 students became aware of where they felt their breath in their body. The breathing exercises shows students how the breath helps to regulate the body and that each of us has more control over our bodies than we think (what a great concept for kids to be aware of).


The Life Skills Group games reinforce the value(s) of the week. The games are non-competitive, fun, social skills games. The games promote critical thinking, physical movements and imaginative ideas. Additionally, students practiced applying effective communication in relationships. Students demonstrated the importance of communicating confidently in a variety of situations by applying movement skills that require communication, cooperation, decision making and observation of rules.


Parents/Carers: Ask your child why it is important to have clear communication when interacting with others.

Family self-care tip: Give at least one compliment to your family members daily.



Week 2 Friendship, caring and kindness

This week in the Life Skills Group program, students were taught how to create stronger friendships through games and practicing caring and kindness in all interactions. Research has shown that mindful caring and kindness can boost self-compassion, increase empathy and the ability to put ourselves in other people's shoes. Throughout the lesson, students had the opportunity to experience caring and kindness with their class community by acting in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of co-operative situations.

Additionally, students practiced mindful listening by listening very carefully to a specific sound. After, the class was able to share their experiences and discuss why listening carefully and mindfully is so important in our lives. Students became present to how mindful listening can also expand academic, athletic and creative success. Throughout the various values based games students gained more focus, concentration and strength in different movements.  Students demonstrated participation in games in a caring and kind way and had so much fun.


Parents/Carers: Ask your child how mindful listening is a form of caring and kindness.


Family self-care tip: Take a walk with your child and pay attention to all the sounds around you. When you are walking try and label each sound in your mind. For example, if you hear a bird, say to yourself, "bird."



Week 3 Healthy risks, courage and confidence

Change is a constant in each of our lives. Children go through many transitions and they are all processed and experienced on a very individual level. Some transitions might be thought to be exciting or bring happiness- like moving on to a secondary school- but for some children, change can be very frightening or can conjure up anxiety, fear or confusion. Despite this, transitions are experiences that yield learning and development. The Tools for Transition program was developed to assist children in accessing their courage and confidence to move through different life situations with ease and comfort.


This week we discussed healthy risks and using our courage to try new things, make new friends and even use the values based skills in all of our interactions in daily life.  In this week's Life Skills lesson students were taught to connect with mindful breathing and an anchor point. In times of transition, we can access our breath to help us move through challenging situations. Students demonstrated how their anchor breathing can keep them in the present moment, by repeating, "breathing in, breathing out," to themselves. Additionally, this breath exercise increases focused attention and concentration, it helps us determine when our focus has gone off track. Students also discussed courage and confidence and ways in which they could develop their own confidence when they feel nervous or unsure.


Parents/Carers: Have your child teach you anchor point breathwork. You could try to do it for a few minutes each day

Family Self-care tip: Have the courage and confidence to remind yourself and everyone in your family that you are all doing your best in any given moment.




Week 4 Inclusivity, teamwork and fair play

Week 4 in the Tools for Transition program students focused on body awareness and fairness through inclusivity and partner work. Students were encouraged to listen to their own bodies. Body awareness helps students identify how they are feeling mentally, emotionally and physically. It can be particularly useful for students to notice when they are starting to feel tense, agitated or over excited so they can choose a healthy response. These are steps to strengthening self-regulation.


Through games, students explored inclusivity. Inclusivity brings students the comforting feeling of belonging and feeling important and valued. The games had elements of fun mixed with challenging movements that created trust, connection and community. Students successfully asked and answered questions, took turns in conversation, explained instructions and stayed on task. The students demonstrated strong teamwork skills as they participated in the games. Throughout the lesson, students were guided to listen to their body and notice if they were feeling over excited or if they were pushing their bodies too far. This allowed them to take responsibility for their own learning. 


Parent/Carers: Ask your child to tell you about body awareness or ask them what they achieved through including others and playing fairly.

Family self-care tip: Have a family game night and play together!




Week 5 Tools for anger management and anxiety- perseverance and resilience

Week 5 in Tools for Transition, students practiced resilience through perseverance. They were given strategies for managing difficult emotions such as anger or anxiety. Students were reminded that anxiety can sometimes come in the forms of tummy aches, headaches or low energy or mood. Many times our emotions cause physical symptoms in our bodies and it is important to know the difference. Students were taught a gentle and calming mindfulness exercise that slowed the body and mind down and allowed for a feeling of quietness to come over all of the students and the room. This practice is one that can reduce anger and a great tool for managing worry or fear.

Students completed physical activities that were aimed at testing their endurance. The students were both encouraging and supportive of each other as they completed the activities and they were able to demonstrate perseverance.

Parents/Carers: Ask your child to suggest some ways that they can manage big emotions such as anger or anxiety. You might like to discuss situations/transitions that are regularly challenging for your child and plan how they could manage it in the future.

Family Self- Care tip: Make time to persevere at something as a family. It might be a large puzzle; a hike or bike ride.



Week 6  Managing Big Emotions, Gentle, Generous

This week in the Life Skills lesson the focus was managing big emotions and transitions. Students learnt how to apply healthy coping strategies as a means of handling anger. Through mindfulness techniques, discussions and cooperative games, students now understand anger is a natural human emotion that can be dealt with in a healthy way.

A mindfulness technique, checking our internal weather allowed students to examine what was going on inside of them emotionally and check in with their feelings, building upon their self-awareness.  Students learned through various games that success happens when we work together in a gentle and generous way. Also, working with a variety of different people allows us to gain different skills and strategies and hear different ideas. As a school community, we are happy to see this program covering topics as important as dealing with big emotions and giving students an outlet that they otherwise might not have.

Parents/Carers: Ask your student what makes them angry. Ask them one healthy coping strategy they have learnt by participating in Life Skills Group.

Family Self-care tip: Find out how each of your family members likes to be supported and try it out.





Week 7  Positive Self-Talk, Strong, Determined

How we see ourselves is a reflection of how we talk to ourselves. Week 7 in the Life Skills Group program, students were taught to focus on positive self-talk and how to shift negative self-talk. Life Skills Group believes that students should have a strong understanding of how our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs influence our feelings, emotions and behaviour. In this lesson, students were taught that through positive thinking we can alter negative self-talk. Managing our self-talk is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced, just like learning a new math skill or sports skill. Mindfulness is a practice that is strongly linked to positive self-talk and positive feelings towards the self and others.

A mindfulness technique that students were taught allowed them to use their senses and observe things that are seen, heard and felt. Students had the chance to apply then describe how positive-thinking assists in developing and maintaining positive relationships. Through various games and exercises, students put positive thinking into practice by using self-talk to reach a common goal. What an amazing idea it is to teach students how to be responsible for their own positive thinking and how it can replace negative feelings.

Parents/Carers: Ask your child if they can identify a consistent negative thought that appears in their mind. Then ask what positive thinking they can use to replace that thought.

Family self-care tip: When upset or overwhelmed, stop, take a few deep breaths and say something good to yourself.


Week 8 Acceptance, leadership and gratitude

This was the final week of our Tools for Transition program. Students were excited to have a celebration to acknowledge all the hard work they have done and all of the values they have learned. In this final week, students delved into the values of leadership and gratitude by focusing on acceptance. What does it take to be a good leader? Who are the leaders in our lives and how do we know they are good leaders?

Students were taught the word acceptance and how we have to accept many things both good and bad on many different levels. Students learned that self-acceptance leads to a healthy self-image because when we practice self-acceptance we are not always looking for someone else to tell us we did a good job. We begin to tell ourselves what we believe we did well and what we feel we need to improve on. This idea helps students develop a healthy autonomy, as well. Students shared some things they have had to accept ranging from a bad grade to not getting into the same class as one of their friends to breaking a bone.

The Life Skills teacher discussed gratitude and why it is beneficial for us to practice every day. Students learned that practicing gratitude increases the happiness in our brains - imagine that! As this week was about leadership, students were invited to take on leadership roles in the class. The leaders were all sensible and gave clear instructions, just like a leader would. The lesson ended with a relaxation, again highlighting the importance of taking time to be present and calm in our busy world.

Parents/Carers: Ask your child what they can practice being more accepting of. It could be something about their body, personality or a belief.

Family Self-care tip: At dinner tonight say one thing you are grateful for.

Through the Life Skills Group program students have become increasingly aware of important values such as, respect, honesty, confidence, teamwork, perseverance and leadership, to name a few. The participants have demonstrated an understanding of body awareness, self-awareness, acceptance and problem solving skills. Students have been challenged individually and had opportunities to develop team skills through partner work, group work and class work. Students are now equipped with more tools, coping strategies and experiences to apply when faced with difficult situations or transitions that arise in life.


We know the students who participate in the Life Skills Group program are better trained to deal with life's challenges, and in turn, maintain greater levels of comfort and happiness. As a parent or carer you may find it helpful to refer to some of Life Skills Group techniques when a difficult life situation surfaces. Our hope is that your child carries these skills with them to utilise when needed.


We at Life Skills Group are grateful to have been a part of your child's Life Skills experience and have thoroughly enjoyed having each and every one of the children in our class. Each individual student adds something special to the class dynamic.