Summer Hill Public School

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Activities / Excursions

School Bytes - electronic consent forms for student activities

Summer Hill Public School use School Bytes electronic consent forms to make communication between school and parents more streamlined.

School Bytes is a digital system that replaces paper forms we send home for you to complete and return for school activities and excursions.

Here's how it works

Instead of paper forms coming home in your child’s school bag, you will be sent an email notification with a link to click that opens a secure web page version of the consent form to complete and submit. When submitted you will receive a confirmation email for your records. Alternately you can register with School Bytes to access the parent potal where all consent forms, fees and attendance will be displayed.

You can do this on your phone, tablet or computer at your convenience.

All of the data you submit in the forms is held in a secure database only accessible to selected school staff. When you click submit response at the bottom of the form you will receive a confirmation email.

A unique payment link will also be included in the email to allow you to make secure payment online through the Westpac Parent Online Payment system.